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How to make your dream lifestyle.

Make your Morning/Night Routine. 

We all have to make our morning and night 

routine, no make what if you have a goal or 

dream to be someone in your life, you should 

to make your morning and night routine, in 

the beginning it may difficult try it like one 

week you will used to it. 


"Set your alarm right, plan your day, 


Change your habits

If you have some bad habits and even good but

that not help you to step forward to your 

dreams then change it. You really don't need 

those habits which not help you to go forward 

change it with those which help you to go 

forward to your dreams even a baby step. 


" Motivation is what gets you started, 

Habits is what keeps you going "

Include hobbies

I don't know if you have any hobby like social 

media and nothing else, so I would love to 

share with you, how hobbies plays the 

important roll to achieve your dream lifestyle 

include only those hobbies 

that related to your dream and some other 

that relax yourself after a lot of hard work. 


" Find three hobbies you love,

One to make money.  

One to keep you in shape. 

One to be creative."

Know exactly your dream lifestyle. 

So yea! Its such a big and deep topic, to know 

what exactly your dream is, or dream 

lifestyle. Are you dream about Rich, luxury or 

famous lifestyle ? Or Are you dream to have 

simple and just happy lifestyle. If you exactly 

what it is, then you know what habits. I 

should to pick and drop, which hobbies is 

good for my "______"(whatever) is your dream 

lifestyle for. 


 "Sometimes we have to stop being 

scared and just go for it, either it'll work or it won't

that's life" 


  1. I love the quote about the three hobbies! I need to start practicing yoga again. Thank you for this lovely post!

  2. I like your final quote. So true! But living in fear is NEVER winning. So whether we succeed or not, we need to move out of fear.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yeah! Motivation inspired everyone. It gives me energy to work even in night when whole world sleeps. Thanx for sharing. Lol Fun

  5. Really like the quote about three hobbies, saving that one to reflect on again!

  6. I definitely need to get back into meditation. Loved the tips!

  7. I love that quote about finding three hobbies that you love. I had never heard that before. I'll have to remember that. :)

  8. I never realized how important it was to have hobbies until later on in my life when I needed something to unwind from the day's work. Now, I actively try to do things that don't remind me of work and are done purely for fun.

    Great post! x


  9. Totally agree! We should try and persuade things even when we are scared, because who knows? IT might work out! :)

  10. I think routines are excellent and allow people to be more successful. I know I function better when I have a somewhat set routine and know what I have to accomplish in a day. I also think children really need routines in order for them to know what to expect. I need to incorporate some healthier habits and hobbies in my routine as well! Thanks for giving me a lot to think about :)

    1. Just a amazing. Good luck with more new positive habits and hobbies ♥

  11. You're right about the night and morning routine. last night I resolved to have everything ready the night before (dishes washed and put away, coffee pot on the stove to simply light it in the morning, mug out with tablet in it, medicine 'cocktail' shaken in a small bottle the night before, breakfast being pancakes with portioned maple to simply fry on the stove in the morning, lunch and snacks prepared and in an esky bag to pull outta the fridge before leaving, chickens fed)
    Even though it was nearly midnight after having got this prepped, I could go to sleep peacefully, set my alarm later and had plenty of downtime before leaving.
    That essay is to say I have found a good night routine; maximise getting ready at night, to do the bare minimum in the morning, as I am the biggest night owl and take a lot to get going in the morning. But this morning I was free without a big list of tasks!
    If you like, I'm only a blog comment away from accountability to see if I keep this going, make sense?

    1. Haha that's amazing girl! Hope you make health morning routine too ♥and thank you! :)

  12. great quotes! I believe in living your dream life wholeheartedly

  13. I loved this! So many great quotes. :D

  14. I love the motivation quote. Makes me think of how hard it is to turn things into a habit. After injuring my ankle, I'm still struggling to get back into exercising and stick with it!

  15. Making your dream life possible is not easy, setbacks and challenges may arise. Nice write-up though.

  16. The quote about hobbies is my favorite. I still need to find the best hobby to keep me in shape!

  17. This is really good. I need to try some of these points, line meditate. I feel all over the place at times.

  18. Great content :) I totally agree :)


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